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by hillelsoifer
Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:33 am
Forum: III.1. Comparative methods and process tracing
Topic: What problem does access to evidence and transparency address?
Replies: 12
Views: 36961

Re: What problem does access to evidence and transparency address?

The hard challenge that any version of this will face I think is the difficulty of specifying in advance the sorts of patterns that might be seen, and how they would be interpreted, given the complexity of qualitative data and the possibility of unexpected, but still interpretable, patterns. I'd be...
by hillelsoifer
Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:29 am
Forum: II.1. Text-based sources
Topic: Understanding what types of sources--text-based or non-text-based--researchers are using
Replies: 3
Views: 20309

Re: Understanding what types of sources--text-based or non-text-based--researchers are using

What types of sources do you use? Text-based sources might include archival materials collected by public authorities, papers from private collections, newspaper articles, notes from interviews, etc. Non-text-based sources might include photographs, transcripts of radio broadcasts, videos, websites...
by hillelsoifer
Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:12 am
Forum: III.1. Comparative methods and process tracing
Topic: Presenting our evidence
Replies: 20
Views: 65360

Re: Presenting our evidence

Thanks, Marcus, for your post. I suppose that in order to answer your question, one would have to pin down exactly what qualifies as an unreported finding in qualitative research. In so doing, I think one can begin by noting that since a finding is not the same as data, the full body of archive docu...
by hillelsoifer
Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:55 am
Forum: III.1. Comparative methods and process tracing
Topic: Transparency in case selection
Replies: 10
Views: 27046

Re: Transparency in case selection

Thanks, Heather, for this post. It seems to me that the post raises a broader question: I wonder what we can say further about the grounds on which "the final set of cases" used can and should be justified: should the arguments provided to justify/defend a particular selection of cases nec...
by hillelsoifer
Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:53 am
Forum: I.3. Power and Institutions
Topic: Refining Norms/Practices in Publishing
Replies: 5
Views: 21123

Re: Refining Norms/Practices in Publishing

It seems that we need to think through how transparency is presented more than we have so far. In addition to a set of practices for achieving transparency, a conversation about how it is reflected in published research needs to think through its presentation. And that will involve a broader re-thin...
by hillelsoifer
Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:43 am
Forum: III.1. Comparative methods and process tracing
Topic: Transparency in case selection
Replies: 10
Views: 27046

Transparency in case selection

What should scholars say about how cases were selected, and the point in the research process at which such selection took place? Should qualitative researchers always identify a logic (typical, most-likely etc.) for their selection of cases? What other information should scholars provide to make ca...
by hillelsoifer
Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:42 am
Forum: III.1. Comparative methods and process tracing
Topic: How can we draw on existing practices?
Replies: 3
Views: 13514

How can we draw on existing practices?

What current practices of achieving transparency and data access in qualitative research do work, in your view, and could serve as a template for future scholarship?
by hillelsoifer
Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:23 am
Forum: Substantive Dimensions of the Deliberations
Topic: Where are the DA-RT supporters?
Replies: 2
Views: 23970

Where are the DA-RT supporters?

Colleagues, I'm beginning to wonder whether this conversation is as truly deliberative as it might be. Where are the voices in support of DA-RT? I should state for the record that I am on the fence about DA-RT and more supportive than most on here, but my main motive in posting this is that we would...