Stage One

Forum rules

We encourage contributors to the Discussion Board to publicly identify by registering and logging in prior to posting. However, if you prefer, you may post anonymously (i.e. without having your post be attributed to you) by posting without logging in. Anonymous posts will display only after a delay to allow for administrator review. Contributors agree to the QTD Terms of Use.

To participate, you may either post a contribution to an existing discussion by selecting the thread for that topic (and then click on "Post Reply") or start a new thread by clicking on "New Topic" below.

The transition to Stage 2 of the deliberations is currently underway but will take some time to complete. In the meantime, we very much welcome additional contributions to the existing threads in this forum.

For instructions on how to follow a discussion thread by email, click here.

  • Forum
    Last post
  • Substantive Dimensions of the Deliberations

    What should we talk about?

    On this section of the QTD Discussion Board, we invite comments about and discussion of the QTD's substantive agenda. You can contribute to this agenda in a variety of ways, for instance, by:

    • raising questions about transparency that are in need of further discussion;
    • pointing to salient differences across forms of qualitative research that might affect the meaning or practice of transparency;
    • identifying trade-offs, risks, or dilemmas that scholars pursuing transparency in qualitative research might confront;
    • identifying ways in which qualitative researchers could or should be more transparent;
    • highlighting current or proposed transparency practices that merit consideration or require evaluation;
    • voicing concerns and considerations about research transparency that you believe political scientists should systematically address;
    • identifying resources that could help inform deliberations over qualitative research transparency.

    The comments and discussions that unfold on this site will directly inform the QTD Steering Committee's decisions about how the Working Groups' substantive foci should be defined and about overarching questions that the process as a whole should address.

    Topics: 66
    Posts: 340
    Last post Re: [From Steering Committee]…
    by Bill Kelleher View the latest post
    Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:25 pm
  • The Deliberative Process

    How should we deliberate?

    On this section of the QTD Discussion Board, we invite comments about the QTD process.
    A broad outline of the QTD deliberative process can be found here. In turning this general blueprint into a concrete process, however, many operational details must be worked out. We welcome here suggestions about and discussion of how the QTD process should unfold.

    Topics: 4
    Posts: 6
    Last post support
    by Guest View the latest post
    Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:51 am