Substantive Dimensions of the Deliberations
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The transition to Stage 2 of the deliberations is currently underway but will take some time to complete. In the meantime, we very much welcome additional contributions to the existing threads in this forum.
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Donald Searing
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Posts: 1
- Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:12 pm
Very Undesirable Unintended Consequences
Donald D. Searing
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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Re: Very Undesirable Unintended Consequences
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Tim Buthe
HfP/Technical Univ of Munich & Duke University - Posts: 32
- Joined: Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:39 pm
Re: Very Undesirable Unintended Consequences
The key questions then are: What is the background information that "transparent" research really must provide, even if costs are high? And which additional information is unreasonable to demand since the costs clearly exceed the benefits? The answers to those questions almost surely depend upon the specific kind of qualitative research a scholar is considering. It would be great if a large number of you were to weigh in concerning specific kinds of research, so as to help inform the decision how to structure the more differentiated deliberations during stage 2 of the QTD.
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Anne Pitcher
Re: Very Undesirable Unintended Consequences
But in line with the arguments of this thread, what I find troubling about DA-RT is that it appears to be another effort to privilege the "science" in political science over the "political", to stress the "method" of doing political science over the big ideas that the methods and the evidence support. It sends a signal and a wrong one in my view that political science is exactly like studying the effects of smoking. "Data" needs to be "transparent" so it can be "replicated" in order to test another "hypothesis".
Yet much of what I find interesting in political science is not the methods but the big ideas about politics-Barrington Moore's claim regarding "no bourgeoisie, no democracy"; Jim Scott's ideas about "high modernism" and the state; Theda Skocpol's theory of revolutions; Sid Tarrow's ideas on contentious politics and social movements. Each one of these scholars has "data" to support his/her claims, but more importantly each scholar is advancing a theory, an interpretation about a series of events or a process that seeks to inform our views about the practice and the consequences of politics. One wonders if any of these works could have been produced had DA-RT been strictly enforced.
Being reminded by other scholars, journals and the association that we have an obligation to produce scholarship in accordance with the highest ethical standards of the discipline is both worthy and important. But let's remember that interpretation, perception, serendipity, experience are also integral parts of the study of politics. Anne Pitcher, University of Michigan
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Karen Alter
Northwestern University - Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:05 pm
Re: Very Undesirable Unintended Consequences
1) the copy-editing in law journals is 75-100% about tracking and checking citations. It is easier for editors to focus on this technical side, but it comes at the cost of making sure that the argument is clear.
2) I actually compared footnotes in law to footnotes of my polisci publications. Depending on the detail the journal wants (e.g. replication of quotes informing the inference for example), active citation adds footnotes add 25-39% to the text.
3) I already posted about concerns about exacerbating inequalities based on access to research assistants. Less resourced faculty, and those for whom number of publications is important, will be more likely publish in journals that do not require DA-RT. We might exacerbate hierarchies that already exist based on wealth of the University/college.
4) I also worry about the creeping expectations about number of publications. If a qualitative publication requires 20% more time and effort to deal with footnotes (a low estimate I think), then over time quantitative scholars could publish something like 20% more. We already know of publication rate disparities by gender, and the citation rate disparities. I anticipate that active citation will enlarge these disparities.
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William J. Kelleher, Ph.D.
Independent Scholar - Posts: 19
- Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:38 pm
Re: Very Undesirable Unintended Consequences
I discuss this in detail in my paper on Clarke and Primo at
(free safe download)
William J. Kelleher, Ph.D.
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Re: Very Undesirable Unintended Consequences
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Derek Beach
University of Aarhus - Posts: 7
- Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:23 am
Re: Very Undesirable Unintended Consequences
A better way forward is to make the research process transparent so that other scholars could go out and replicate the research by talking to the same or similar people to hear whether they are getting similar accounts.
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Ches Thurber
University of Chicago - Posts: 1
- Joined: Sun May 15, 2016 10:46 am
Re: Very Undesirable Unintended Consequences
That said, it seems to me that the discussion of whether there can and should be some common standards for transparency in qualitative research is well worth the time. Many of the participants on these boards have been leaders in the attention they give to their sources, approaches, and transparency in their work. So the discussion need not be one of creating new rules to bring qualitative research to a higher standard, but about what are some of the best practices already being employed that could either a) be acknowledged as such and more widely employed, and b) be made easier to employ through better infrastructure and resources. For example, the creation of an active citation protocol with an easy to use repository could make it easier for more scholars to use such an approach if it fits their research design. It does not have to follow that active citations be imposed as a requirement on all qualitative scholars, or that the creation of such infrastructure needs to be opposed out of fear that its existence could lead to the de facto creation of such a requirement.
Finally, I would like to speak directly to what I see as two different types of concerns being raised:
1) Transparency standards will create issues related to copyright and protection of human subjects.
This seems clear-cut to me. We cannot impose standards that would require scholars to either violate copyrights (or in any way disseminate materials to which they do not have the rights) or disclose information that could endanger human subjects. Scholars need to have the ability to decline to provide additional "data" on these grounds and not fear being penalized by reviewers of editors for lack of transparency.
2) Transparency standards will undermine the the kind of knowledge that comes from just spending a lot of time in a country, observing and having casual conversations with people.
This argument, to me seems a little more problematic. Of course, time spent in a country, linguistic knowledge, local expertise, access to social networks, are all valuable tools for the qualitative researcher. But the value should come unique exposure to evidence that the scholar can then leverage in support of an argument. Arguments backed only by a scholar's claims of unique personal expertise are, in my opinion, a type of practice that we might want to discourage as our discipline evolves. At the very least, a discussion of the costs and benefits of this practice, or maybe a contextualization of the conditions under which this is more or less appropriate would be helpful.
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Re: Very Undesirable Unintended Consequences
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